Walking Forward

Walking Forward
Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness. Stories of events from one woman's life where God brought to light lessons about freedom and forgiveness! A cross between a journal and a devotional, Walking Forward offers the individual or a small group the possibility of asking questions and discussing themes brought up in each chapter. Click on picture above to order your copy today, or for 25% off, email author at: tmhunarden@gmail.com

The Senders

The Senders
The Senders - A compilation of stories from those who SEND Christian missionaries to the nations through prayer and finances. The Senders - Contributors answered six questions about how they became involved in Christian missions and sending others into God's harvest fields. Read their stories and be encouraged by their steps of faith as they sow prayers and finances into God's Kingdom! Click on the picture above to order your copy today!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Battle

There is a very real battle going on for our hearts.  If we step back and look at each area of our lives, we have numerous opportunities every day to take up an offense about something or someone.  Giving in to offense rather than taking the low road of humility leads to walking in pride.  Choosing not to be offended and walk in forgiveness is the way of Christ and the Cross.  

Click HERE to get your copy of Walking Forward-Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness.  While you are there, pick up an extra copy to give to someone who may need encouragement and likes adventuresome stories!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I heard a story.....

I heard a story from someone, and it wasn't your typical story.  This person had an experience not many of us would ever care to undergo.  Many people may not believe the story, but that's ok.  You see, this individual was, like the Apostle Paul, caught up in a vision...whether in the body or not, this individual is not sure, except for the fact that there were physical signs that it was an "in the body" sort of experience.  It's not so much what happened as where it happened....Hell.

Yes, hell is a real place, according to this individual.  Why am I writing about this on my book blog?  Because this individual reported that the only sin that people are in hell for is:


Yes, you read that correctly.  It makes sense...those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior do not know the gift of forgiveness.  To know the FORGIVER is to know freedom and forgiveness.

Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness is an easy-to-read encapsulation of stories that focus on walking in the gifts of forgiveness and freedom.  Get your copy today HERE, or e-mail me at tmhunarden@gmail.com for your $11.00 signed copy, which includes shipping.  

Friday, August 3, 2012

High School Reunion

Last weekend, I was blessed to be able to attend my 30-year high school reunion.  Wow, am I really that old?  As I was preparing, I sensed the Lord prompting me to bring a box of my books, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness to the reunion to give away to my former classmates.  

So I did....indeed, it felt strange to hear the comments, "Wow, you wrote a book, Arden?"  And it was even more uncomfortable to hear, "You need to autograph my copy."  

I want to thank all of my classmates who took copies and are reading them now.  You have no idea how much it means to me that you showed that kind of interest.  I heard back from one classmate who shared this:

"Arden, I was flying back to San Francisco reading your book and the woman sitting next to me was craning to read it.  I gave her your contact information so she can get her own copy.  I also want to know where I can get more copies as I can think of a couple of people I'd like to share this with."

Encouraging does not even begin to capture what this person's comments to me did for my heart.  So, for all you readers out there who are looking for a good read, here is a LINK to Amazon.com and here is a LINK for copies at Barnes and Noble.com, including a NOOK version.  Finally, HERE IT IS on Xulon Press, through whom I self-published.  

You can get copies from me as well...for a discounted price and a signed copy.  E-mail me at tmhunarden@gmail.com to order copies from me.

Blessings on you as you read!