Walking Forward

Walking Forward
Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness. Stories of events from one woman's life where God brought to light lessons about freedom and forgiveness! A cross between a journal and a devotional, Walking Forward offers the individual or a small group the possibility of asking questions and discussing themes brought up in each chapter. Click on picture above to order your copy today, or for 25% off, email author at: tmhunarden@gmail.com

The Senders

The Senders
The Senders - A compilation of stories from those who SEND Christian missionaries to the nations through prayer and finances. The Senders - Contributors answered six questions about how they became involved in Christian missions and sending others into God's harvest fields. Read their stories and be encouraged by their steps of faith as they sow prayers and finances into God's Kingdom! Click on the picture above to order your copy today!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My newest book!

THE SENDERS...it's about time those who serve as senders stories be told. Get your copy of The Senders today! Copy and paste the following link into your browser!

