Walking Forward

Walking Forward
Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness. Stories of events from one woman's life where God brought to light lessons about freedom and forgiveness! A cross between a journal and a devotional, Walking Forward offers the individual or a small group the possibility of asking questions and discussing themes brought up in each chapter. Click on picture above to order your copy today, or for 25% off, email author at: tmhunarden@gmail.com

The Senders

The Senders
The Senders - A compilation of stories from those who SEND Christian missionaries to the nations through prayer and finances. The Senders - Contributors answered six questions about how they became involved in Christian missions and sending others into God's harvest fields. Read their stories and be encouraged by their steps of faith as they sow prayers and finances into God's Kingdom! Click on the picture above to order your copy today!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Here's the latest!

"I just finished reading your book. It's phenomenal! I want to get a copy for a friend of mine!"
This is the cry of my heart...that this book would reach those whom the Lord wants to touch with His love, freedom and forgiveness!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prayer room reader

I spied a friend of mine in the prayer room here at IHOP-KC reading Walking Forward! I approached him and whispered, "Hey, I know the author of that book!" Ha ha ha!

He then proceeded to show me the underlinings he'd made in the book and the notes he was taking in the margins...wow...I am completely humbled for sure.

This is my prayer...God, use this in people's lives to glorify Yourself, draw people into a deeper intimacy with You, and bring those who don't know Jesus into a living, intimate relationship with Him! Amen!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reader feedback

I ran into a young lady who has been reading Walking Forward, and here's what she had to say:

"God has me in a season of rest and being still before Him. This is really hard for me to do as I am a "DO-ER". So, He reminded me that I need to be still, and I pick up your book and the next chapter in it is "Freedom in Stillness". Ok, Lord, I get the message!"

Friday, September 17, 2010

Feedback on the book, continued!

"Ok, Arden, I don't know that I can trust someone who raced school buses!"

"I finished your book; I'm thinking about letting (a relative) read it as she's struggling with this area of forgiveness."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here's more feedback on Walking Forward

"Girrrl - I read your book! I am blessed and so are YOU! Excellent job!!!"

"I am reading your book and I LOVE it! I have been BAWLING all day!"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Now available online stateside AND internationally!

Hello my dear Magyar and other nations friends!!! You can get my book at Amazon.com.uk or simply click on this link:


I will be bringing copies with me to Hungary in November if you want to wait!

For those in the U.S., you can order online at http://www.amazon.com/ or simply click on the link below:


Thanks tons for your support, and I pray you are blessed as you read!

First feedback on the book!

A friend of mine called me and told me that she started reading Walking Forward.

Here's what she had to say:

"Oh, Arden, I love it! You are touching on things that everyone struggles with. I didn't know about you nearly drowning in a river!"

Get your copy today by emailing me: tmhunarden@gmail.com

Monday, September 6, 2010

What is this book all about?

In our explorations through life, we can learn many lessons, if we have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, the heart to understand, and the openness to God to enter in and transform us.

Stories and experiences are powerful ways that the Lord speaks to people about Himself, about themselves, and about truths.

This is not a self-help sort of book, but rather a turn-your-eyes to the only One who can give clarity and perspective on life, people, sin, love, freedom, forgiveness, mercy, healing, grace, relationships and redemption.

My prayer is that one life would be touched by the Holy Spirit through this book and that person would find new life in a living relationship with Jesus!

Order your copy at a 25% discount by emailing the author today: tmhunarden@gmail.com